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Anna Speder

Anna S.

Name:Anna Speder.

Year: Freshman.

Major/Minor: Psychology is my major.

Was this your first choice? If not what influenced you to change it?:  It was my first choice, I was always really interested in it {Psychology} and when I moved here and saw that foothill college had it and I was really happy.

Is this where you envisioned yourself in high school? Was this your best option?:  No, I studied studied somewhere else in Germany before moving to the US, when I decided to move to California I looked up Foothill college, and I decided to attend. I heard it's supposed to be the best {Community college}.

What's the best aspect of Foothill in your opinion?:  Well I love that it's really diversity in people, I'm from Hungary and we have a lot of international students, I love that. The campus is really pretty, and my professors have been really great until now.

Are you aware of the extracurricular activities that Foothill has to offer?: Yeah I think they're really great. I think it's a shame that all of the clubs are usually at the same time and it's kind of hard to be part of them, but otherwise I like the opportunities.

Have you participated in any of these? Or any off campus?: Yeah I was part of the psychology club, and the international students club.

Would you like to be involved? If so what's the most effective way admin can reach out to you?: I think that there could be a bit more advertisement, even if I went to the club days not all of the clubs are always there, so I think that could be better. And also the clubs need to have more diverse times, not that they are always at 12pm on Wednesdays so if you have classes at that time it's impossible to go, that would be great.

Have you seen or been involved in any social justice programs on campus? Is so do you think they're a big part of Foothills culture?: No. I haven't really heard about them honestly

Have any of these events resonated with you?: No.

Do you think Foothill is a safe place academically and socially?: Oh yeah I definitely agree with that, it's a safe place.

Are you an out-of-state or international student?: Yeah I am an international student from Budapest, Hungary.

If so do you feel the classes and extracurricular activities are welcoming?: Yeah definitely they are, we get a lot of help with all of the tutoring centers and placement test, so I think the school system is well developed.

What was your first impression of Foothill and how has it changed?: I thought the campus looked like a spa, but I really loved it and everyone's really nice and it was a good first impression.

Are you happy at Foothill?: Yeah I'm happy at Foothill.

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