About the Program
Join our Learning Community!
The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations. Puente is open to all interested students.
Puente Students
- Enroll in English classes with a focus on Latino culture, history and experience
- Take classes together for a supportive and stimulating environment
- Work with a counselor to explore career options and develop academic goals
- Receive professional mentorship
- Participate in service learning for college credit
- Visit colleges and attend conferences and cultural events
For More Information
If you have questions about the program or want to become a mentor, please contact Maritza Jackson Sandoval, our Puente counselor.
Our Puente Team
Maritza Jackson Sandoval, Puente Counselor
Email: jacksonsandovalmaritza@fhda.edu
Office: Counseling 8302, Office 8308
Hilda Fernandez, Puente Instructor
Email: fernandezhilda@fhda.edu
Puente Project Student Information Sheet
Puente is co-sponsored by the California Community Colleges and the University of

Please Contact Us!
Maritza Jackson Sandoval, Puente Program Coordinator
Counseling Center, Building 8300, Office 8308