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Dolores Davison

History & Women's Studies Instructor

Business and Social Sciences Division

History, Women's Studies
(650) 949-7196



Foothill campus
Office: 3019
Office Hours:
I do not have in person office hours for the 2018-19 academic year.


How to Access Course: This course uses the Canvas course management system. Students must be enrolled in order to log in to the course site.
1. Login to MyPortal ( using your Student ID Number and Password
2. Click on the Students tab
3. Look for "My Online Courses"
4. Click on "Log into Canvas"

These instructions are also available at:

For technical assistance, visit the Canvas Help Desk at

Access URL:

Instructor Name: Davison
Email Address:

Course Type: Web-based
Units: 4
Instructor Division: BSS
Instructor Phone Number: N/A

Office Hours: Available online only; I do not have on campus office hours

Course Description: Survey of the development of Western culture and civilization in the ancient world. From the Neolithic period to the early Middle Ages 800 CE.

Advisory/Recommended to International or ESL Students? All students must be fluent in the written English language. This is a reading intensive course that requires a high level of English fluency and is not recommended for novice English students. Please contact the counseling office if you require help with reading, English or ESLL concerns. No remedial instruction shall be provided and no concessions shall be made to students without the prerequisite English fluency for the course.

Reference: Students will be required to do outside research for research papers and should have access to library materials.

What types of Required Meetings? None

Dates/Times for exams and meetings: Exam dates are listed in syllabus. Exam dates are non negotiable.

Instructor's Comment: Please note that this is a time intensive course and that no exceptions will be made regarding due dates or assessments.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the successful student will be able to:
1. Synthesize and analyze the major themes and patterns of the ancient world in writing.
2. Recognize and assess the reach, significance and impact of individuals on the course of history in writing.

Required Materials: Consistent internet access and access to a word processing program that allows for .doc, .docx, or rtf documents.

Required Texts: Hunt, et al, The Making of the West, chapters 1-9 (any edition will suffice, but must cover the listed chapters; the text is currently in its 5th edition).

Purchasing Textbooks: Textbooks are available at the Foothill bookstore and at online outlets including Amazon; please check the Foothill bookstore site for the correct ISBN number

Online Textbook Vendor Suggestions: Foothill Bookstore

Textbook on Reserve in the Library? Yes
Notice on Learning Disability-Related Accommodations:
To obtain disability-related accommodations, students must contact Disability Resource Center (DRC) as early as possible in the quarter. To contact DRC, you may:

� Visit DRC in Room 5400 (near Parking Lot 5)
� Email DRC at
� Call DRC at 650-949-7017 to make an appointment

If you already have an accommodation notification from DRC, please contact me privately to discuss your needs.

Assessments in the Course: Two essay/short answer midterms and one essay/short answer final.
Research Paper Requirement: There is a 2500+ word research papers in the course.
Students are required to log in and participate in at least four times a week to remain enrolled.
Course Mechanics: Grades in this course will be based on the following: two essay/short answer midterm exams (20% each); an essay/short answer final examination (20%); a 2500+ word research papers (30%); and discussion participation (10%). The final will not be cumulative.

Grades in the course are as follows:

100-93 = A
92-90 = A-
89-87 = B+
86-83 = B
82-80 = B-
79-77 = C+
76-70 = C
69-67 = D+
66-63 = D
62-60 = D-
Any grade below 60 is an F.

I do not allow rewrites or offer extra credit.


Online only

Course information:

History 4A, 4B, 4C (Western Civilization)
History 18 (History of Middle East)
History 20 (History of Russia and the Soviet Union)
WMN 5 (Introduction to Women's Studies)


Vice President, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Chair, ASCCC Legislative and Advocacy Committee
Faculty Chair, Technology and Telecommunications Advisory Committee

Personal Quote:

"Si pu� avere l'universo se posso avere l'Italia" -- Giuseppe Verdi, Attila

Last update: 2020-09-28
Direct directory record link:
