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Dr. Clifton Der Bing

Psychologist, Professor

Student Services Division

Psychological Services


Foothill campus

Course information:


Explore and become familiar with symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety. Examine the social and psychological factors that contribute to these problems and the patterns of behavior which result. Learn, practice, and understand effective coping strategies to promote self-awareness, personal wellness, and academic success. Emphasis placed on mental health and application of self-help skills.


Leadership, Community Advocacy, Holistic Wellness, Yoga, Swimming, Food, Social Activities, Board Games, Video Games... and Life.


As a Licensed Psychologist, Dr. Clifton Der Bing understands that college years can be a very challenging time when various stressors affect the wellbeing of students. With this in mind, Dr. Der Bing offers Foothill students a supportive, nonjudgmental space to talk in private about how major stressors affect academic, social, and even personal goals.

Using an integrated therapeutic approach that is tailored to each student's cultural sensitivities, Dr. Der Bing enjoys working as an ally who empowers students to overcome life difficulties through the development of healthy techniques that enhance mindful wellness. His goal is to support Foothill students toward learning how to glide smoothly through a world saturated with stress.

Dr. Der Bing has an extensive history providing individual, couples, family, and group counseling to diverse populations. He also takes pleasure in conducting wellness workshops and providing outreach to students on the importance of maintaining mindful self-care practices.

A member of the Foothill College faculty since 2016, Dr. Der Bing provides confidential personal counseling to Foothill students in the on-campus Psychological Services & Personal Counseling Office, and he also teaches the college's CNSL 72: Stress, Wellness & Coping course.

In addition to being a Psychological Counselor/Instructor at Foothill College, Dr. Der Bing is yoga instructor who enjoys practicing the art of mind and body development. Dr. Der Bing also maintains a wellness center and private practice in San Jose, CA.

Last update: 2021-11-05
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