Degrees, Certificates, & Transfer Programs
Archive Reminder
The listings on this page are archived Degree and Certificate Programs information through 2020-2021.
For Current RequirementsFor 2021-2022 degree and certificate requirements and years after, see the new Foothill College Academic Catalog. |
Physical Education Website | Kinesiology and Athletics Division
Physical Education 2019-2020
Physical Education is a multi-disciplinary educational experience. These choices include the traditional concentrations in teaching and contemporary choices of fitness, dance or athletic emphasis. Students interested in physical education, dance and athletics are candidates for this program.
Program Learning Outcomes:
-The student will complete this program with the ability to communicate the components of a physical education program to their professional staff.
-The student will demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills, and values of a multi-disciplinary program, which satisfy core requirements for many physical education transfer majors, including the traditional concentrations in teaching and contemporary choices of fitness, dance and athletic emphasis.
Units Required
- Major: 37-38
Degree Requirements:
-English proficiency: ENGL 1A, 1AH, 1S & 1T, or equivalent.
-Mathematics proficiency: MATH 105, 180, or any MATH course approved for Foothill GE Area V, Communication & Analytical Thinking.
A minimum of 90 units is required* to include:
-Completion of one of the following general education patterns: Foothill General Education, CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
-Core courses (31-32 units)
-Support courses (6 units)
*Additional elective course work may be necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement for the associate degree.
NOTE: All courses pertaining to the major must be taken for a letter grade. In addition, a grade of "C" or better is required for all core and support courses used for the degree.
Additional Information:
NOTE: Students should review the catalog of the transfer institution of their choice regarding lower division requirements.
Core Courses (31-32 units)
BIOL 10 General Biology: Basic Principles (5 units)
or BIOL 14 Human Biology (5 units)
KINS 1 Introduction to Kinesiology (5 units)
KINS 2 Sport in Society (5 units)
KINS 3 Theories & Techniques of Coaching Sports (4 units)
or DANC 10 Topics in Dance History (5 units)
KINS 4 Concepts of Physical Fitness & Wellness (4 units)
KINS 8A Theory & Concepts of Exercise Physiology I (5 units)
KINS 16B Emergency Athletic Injury Care (3 units)
Support Courses (6 units)
Select 6 units of any combination of activity courses from:
KINS 10 Women in Sports (5 units)
KINS 54 Introduction to Sports Management (4 units)
any Physical Education (PHED) activity course
any Athletics (ATHL) course
any Dance (DANC) activity course
Elective Courses (Recommended units)
These courses are recommended to fulfill the additional elective requirements to reach 90 units for the degree as they augment the major:
BIOL 40A Human Anatomy & Physiology I (5 units)
BIOL 40B Human Anatomy & Physiology II (5 units)
BIOL 40C Human Anatomy & Physiology III (5 units)
CHEM 25 Fundamentals of Chemistry (5 units)
or CHEM 30A Survey of Inorganic & Organic Chemistry (5 units)
DANC 10* Topics in Dance History (5 units)
KINS 9 Basic Nutrition for Sports & Fitness (5 units)
KINS 15 First Aid & CPR/AED (1 unit)
KINS 16A Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3 units)
KINS 16C Treatment & Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries (3 units)
KINS 51 Performance Enhancing Substances in Sport & Exercise (4 units)
PSYC 1 General Psychology (5 units)
or PSYC 1H Honors General Psychology (5 units)
* May be completed only once for credit to satisfy degree requirements.
Control Information:
2019-2020 |
Status: Approved |
Modified: 2019-05-30 11:25:34 |
Dept Code: PHED

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