Foothill 2030
Foothill 2030 Strategic Planning
Why Foothill 2030?
Our college planning cycle includes regular review of the mission statement, vision statement, and educational master plan. During our current cycle of review, we are considering current student perspectives — if we are supporting them when they need it; for as long as they need it; and as they work toward their educational goals, and if we are ready for those students who are coming in the next decade.
How We Will Do The Foothill 2030 Work
Coordinated through a core group of Foothill 2030 leads, we will challenge the status quo, actively and intentionally critique current narratives, led by key constituent groups, and work in a manner that honors our values of honesty, integrity, trust, openness, transparency, forgiveness, and sustainability.
Foothill 2030 Leads
- Administrator: Ajani Byrd, Office of Equity & Inclusion
- Classified Staff: Elaine Kuo, Institutional Research & Planning
- Faculty: Voltaire Villaneuva, Counseling
- Student Liaison: Raiyah Hussain, ASFC
Foothill 2030 Communication
Stay informed on Foothill 2030 progress through our channels of college communication. Please look for updates via the following:
- MIPC updates
- Constituency group report out, including ASFC Council, and Academic and Classified senates.
- Email newsletters, including Parliament and President's 1-2-3-4-5
- Town Halls
- Foothill 2030 website
- Email: fh2030@fhda.edu

Mission Statement Review
The mission statement revise effort began Fall 2022 and led by Josh Pelletier. This revision requires FHDA Board approval.
Mission Revise
Vision Statement Review
The vision statement revise effort began Fall 2023. This revision does not require FHDA Board approval.
Vision Revise
Educational Master Plan Update
The EMP update involves a core team of Foothill constituency representatives. This revision requires FHDA Board approval.
EMP update