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Foothill College English Professor Scott Lankford

Scott Lankford, Ph.D.

Professor of English, Stanford GEN Global Educators Network Director of Communication

Language Arts Division



Foothill campus
Office: I'm Not on Campus 2022
Office Hours:
Office Hours are online only.
Email me at for available times/online conference options -- or use CANVAS if you're enrolled in one of my courses already.


GEN Director of Communications and Outreach

In collaboration with Stanford Global Studies, I'm currently working as the Director of Communication and Outreach for the newly launched GEN Global Educators Network -- which supports community college professors and students nationwide.

To learn more about GEN visit our new webpage (under construction)--Stanford GEN Home. To view past interviews and events hit the "Resources" tab to check out our GEN Youtube Channel.

Faculty Advisor for student magazines on

Mindsets Magazine, a 100% student-written and edited online magazine focused on Stanford Professor Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset research.

Generation A explores student responses to the global climate crisis.

The Global Citizen presents students perspectives on immigration, the climate crisis, war, poverty and other urgent global issues.

View or Join our Climate Crisis ConneXions FB Group at
Climate Crisis ConneXions

I post frequently on on a variety of topics, including Black Americans in Paris at How Black Americans in Paris Changed the World, where I've been named one of Medium's top History writers.

Creating Safe and Respectful Campus Conversations

Together we will explore a wide range of topics--including discussions of religion, politics, gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity. Together we will come to these discussions with an open mind, a spirit of shared respect, and a desire to create a truly safe and supportive space for our peers and colleagues of all backgrounds by avoiding derogatory language or actions. I commit to doing everything in my power to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for everyone in my classes and on my campus--and I fully expect you to do the same. I will enforce a strict line between expression of personal opinion and belief (very welcome in class) and expressions of prejudice (e.g. racism, sexism, religious intolerance, homophobia, transphobia) in your language or non-verbal behavior (not welcome in class). If at any time you are concerned about the classroom environment, please speak to me right away.

My sexual/romantic orientation is Gay.
I'm a cis-gendered male.
My Preferred Pronouns are He/Him/His.


Teaching Schedule Spring 2022 -- Online Only!

ENGL1B College Writing and Critical Thinking (Asynchronous)
ENGL5 LGBTQ+ Literature (Asynchronous)

Course information:


My interests include telemark turns; trad climbs; cozy cafes; bookstores; one thousand kinds of tea; ecology; philosophy; literature; going to the gym; Tibetan yoga; surfing, snorkeling, and body boarding; guitar; trekking; Zen and Bhodi Chitta Buddhism; plus adventure travel to anywhere and everywhere on earth (including Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Brunei, the Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, Nepal, Colorado, Washington DC, NYC, Costa Rica, Turkey, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, Australia, Russia, and Italy).


Born in Denver, I graduated from Manual High School -- an inner-city public school with a majority African American enrollment -- and still by far the best school I ever attended.

Growing up in Colorado, my hobbies were guitar, telemark skiing, and wilderness mountaineering. My first teaching experience came as a wilderness skiing and rock-climbing instructor in Alaska, Africa, and the Rockies. In 1985 I was a member of the American Mount Everest West Ridge Expedition (you can read all about it in my teammate Ed Webster's classic book Snow in the Kingdom: My Storm Years on Everest or another teammate's book, Robert Anderson's To Everest via Antarctica). Prior to entering grad school at Stanford, I even had a brief career as a singer/songwriter, working as a warm-up act for nationally-famous performers such as Don McLean and Harry Chapin on the New England college circuit. In fact, writing songs was what first got me interested in studying poetry!

I joined the Foothill faculty in 1989 and served as Dean of Language Arts from 1994-1997. In 1991 I became the co-founder of Foothill's award-winning Cultural Diversity Center, the Foothill Gay and Lesbian Employees and Friends Association, and the Foothill student Gay/Straight Alliance. In addition to courses in College Writing, I have taught Creative Writing, Poetry, American Literature, Lesbian/Gay Literature and a variety of special-topic Honors Seminars ranging from "Lake Tahoe's Literary History" to "Contributions of Islamic Cultures to American History," to "Blogging as an Emerging Genre."


B.A. Philosophy, Williams College, 1980
M.A., Modern Thought and Literature, 1989
Ph.D., Modern Thought and Literature, 1991

Campus Abroad Teaching Experience
Paris Spring 2005
London Fall 2015
Italy Fall 2016


My book Tahoe Beneath the Surface: The Hidden History of the World's Largest Mountain Lake was released in October of 2010 and was awarded a Bronze Medal as 2010 Nature Book of the Year by Foreword Magazine (the leading national journal of independent publishers and independent booksellers nationwide).

My previous book, Northwest Passages: From the Pen of John Muir (revised edition 1998) won the Benjamin Franklin Prize from the Independent Publishers Association.

My next book, SuperLakes: Earth's Largest Lakes and the Battle to Save Them will focus on the global crisis of climate change which threatens the survival of Earth's largest lakes on five continents.

For my Sabbatical Research Fall 2020/2021/2022 I'm writing a book entitled "Everest Is Melting: We All Live in the Death Zone Now."

Curriculum Vitae-Academic Resume

Personal Quote:

"Artists confront crisis with courage and creativity." --Cornell West, Foothill College, January 2020.

"We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers." --Carl Sagan

Last update: 2022-04-03
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