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Directory Search Results

Carolyn Holcroft, Ph.D.

Full Time Faculty Professional Development Coordinator

Instruction and Institutional Research Division

Office of Equity and Inclusion
(650) 949-7943


Foothill campus
Office: 1945


Dr. Carolyn Holcroft came to Foothill as a biology instructor in 2002, after two years as an adjunct instructor at the University of Kansas and nine years as a registered nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit at Menorah Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri.

During her time at Foothill she has served in many different capacities, including stints on the student equity workgroup, on the professional development committee, as president of the Foothill academic senate, as college curriculum committee co-chair, as campus student learning outcomes co-coordinator, and as our academic senate representative to the FHDA District Equity and Diversity Advisory Council.

Carolyn is passionate about both equity and professional development, and has had the privilege of designing and facilitating training events for faculty, staff and administrators at both the local and statewide level.

Carolyn holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing and a Doctorate in Molecular Genetics/Microbiology, both from the University of Kansas.

Last update: 2017-10-11
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