Council Archives 2018-2021
Educational Master Plan (EMP) Goals and Objectives
Revised Nov. 13, 2015
The three goals of the 2016-2022 EMP as described below — (A) Equity, (B) Community and (C) Improvement and Stewardship of Resources — are approached in a way that exemplifies Foothill College’s culture of innovation and problem solving, with emphasis on eliminating disproportionate impact among student groups. |
Goal A: Equity
Create a culture of equity that promotes student success, particularly for underserved students.
- Implement activities to improve achievement of student outcomes among those population groups experiencing disproportionate impact.
- Reduce barriers and facilitate students’ ease of access across the District and region.
- Enhance support for online quality and growth for instruction and student services.
- Collaborate with K-12, adult education, and four-year institutions in ways that serve students and society.
- Partner with business and industry to prepare students for the workforce.
Potential Key Performance Measures
- High School participation rates [California Department of Education Data Quest; FHDA IR&P]
- Online (internet/web-based) course enrollment and success rates [CCCCO Data Mart]
- Wage earnings (before and after taking classes) [CTE Outcomes Survey]
- Partnership list [Workforce workgroup]
Goal B: Community
Strengthen a sense of community and commitment to the College’s mission; expand participation from all constituencies in shared governance.
- Encourage student participation in leadership and activities outside the classroom (including service/work-based learning) that engages students with the College and the community.
- Provide effective onboarding, support, and professional development for all college employees.
- Encourage employee participation in leadership and activities that engages them with the College and the community.
- Promote consistent and clear communication in order to create a more informed, cohesive and engaged community.
- Increase lifelong learning opportunities for our community.
- Promote decision-making that respects the diverse needs of the entire college community.
Potential Key Performance Measures
- Governance Survey [FHDA IR&P]
- Professional Development Survey [FHDA IR&P]
- Community College Survey of Student Engagement [CCSSE]
- Community Education course offerings and enrollment [FH Workforce Development and Institutional Advancement
Goal C: Improvement and Stewardship of Resources
Recognize and support a campus culture that values ongoing improvement and stewardship of resources.
Goal Strategies
- Increase advocacy at the state level, increase grants and private donations to secure stable and sustainable funding, and manage college resources strategically.
- Expand college practices and initiatives to support environmental stewardship.
- Employ data-driven decision-making.
Potential Key Performance Measures
- Sustainability Management Report Card [College Sustainability Management Plan]
- Governance Survey [FHDA IR&P