Governance Handbook
Handbook Appendices
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- Appendix A – Foothill College Quality Focused Essay
- Appendix B – FHDA Board of Trustees Policies Supporting Governance
- Appendix C – Legal Definition of Governance in California Community Colleges
- Appendix D – Educational Master Plan Goals
- Appendix E – Institutional Learning Outcomes
Appendix A - Foothill College Quality Focused Essay
Create a new College participatory governance system that actively involves a majority of College employees and is recognized by learning and dialogue about how to achieve College goals.
Desired Goals/Outcomes
- Redesign participatory governance system to include integrated planning that is the common denominator for promoting equitable student outcomes. Use the participatory governance meetings held in spring 2016 as a starting point. See minutes: http://www.foothill.edu/president/parc/parc_archive2015-16.php
- Develop a more efficient participatory governance systemthat allows deeper involvement,
- Student voice
- Discussion of student learning and achievement information
- Standard meeting times for committees and department discussions
- Scheduling meeting times when classes are not in progress
- An examination of incentives to promote involvement
- Development of service outcomes for the committees and a rubric for ongoing assessment
- Development of a process that integrates College planning and allocation efforts based on Educational Master Plan goals and metric
- Develop information to be added to employee orientation (faculty and staff) on the governance structure and how employee groups can participate
- Create Online/Hybrid competency-based training modules for governance committee onboarding
- Develop an online communication system by creating a “community of practice” around participatory governance committees
- Develop a mentoring system for participatory governance in order to share institutional knowledge and effective practices.
- Review and revise Governance Handbook to articulate each committee’s charge, membership and communication
Appendix B - FHDA Board of Trustees Policies Supporting Governance
BP 3250 Institutional Planning
The Chancellor shall ensure that the District has and implements a broad-based, comprehensive, systematic and integrated system of planning that involves participatory governance representatives and appropriate segments of the college community, is supported by institutional research, and informs the District’s resource allocatio n processes.
The planning system shall incorporate plans required by law or regulation, as well as plans for each major function of the District, including but not limited to:
- Long-range Educational or Academic Master Plan, which shall be updated periodically as deemed necessary by the governing board
- Facilities Plan
- Technology Plan
- Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
- Student Equity Plan
- Student Success and Support Program Plan
- Transfer Center Plan
- EOPS Plan
The Chancellor shall ensure that the District maintains a commitment to the effectiveness of its ongoing planning process by systematically reviewing, evaluating and modifying, as appropriate, all parts of the planning system.
The Chancellor shall ensure that institutional plans contain goals, objectives, and measurableoutcomes, are integrated intotheannual budget process, and thattheresults of institutional planning are broadly communicated.
The Chancellor shall submit those plans for which Board approval is required to the Board and shall inform the Board periodically as to the status of the District’s planning efforts.
Approved 7/12/04 Amended and renumbered 3/2/15 (formerly BP 3050)
Other Board Policies on Governance
Board Policy 2222: Student Role in Governance
Board Policy 2223: Role of the Academic Senate in Academic and Professional Matters Board Policy 2224: Role of Classified Staff in Governance
ACCJC Accreditation Standard Related to Governance
Standard IV.B.3
Through established policies and procedures, the CEO guides institutional improvement of the teaching and learning environment by:
- establishing a collegial process that sets values, goals, and priorities;
- ensuring the college sets institutional performance standards for student achievement;
- ensuring that evaluation and planning rely on high quality research and analysis of external and internal conditions;
- ensuring that educational planning is integrated with resource planning and allocation to support student achievement and learning;
- ensuring that the allocation of resources supports and improves learning and achievement; and
- establishing procedures to evaluate overall institutional planning and implementation efforts to achieve the mission of the
ACCJC Standards Related to Participatory Governance
I.B.1 The institution demonstrates a sustained, substantive and collegial dialog about student outcomes, student equity, academic quality, institutional effectiveness, and continuous improvement of student learning and achievement.
I.B.7 The institution regularly evaluates its policies and practices across all areas of the institution, including instructional programs, student and learning support services, resource management, and governance processes to assure their effectiveness in supporting academic quality and accomplishment of the mission
IV.A.5 Through its system of board and institutional governance, the institution ensures the appropriate consideration of relevant perspectives; decision making aligned with expertise and responsibility; and timely action on institutional plans, policies, curricular change, and other key considerations.
- Leadership roles and the institution’s governance and decision-making policies, procedures, and processes are regularly evaluated to assure their integrity and The institution widely communicates the results of these evaluations and uses them as the basis for improvement.
Appendix C - Legal Definition of Governance in California Community Colleges
Education Code defines Collegial Consultation as follows: Education Code-70902
Establish procedures that are consistent with minimum standards established by the board of governors to ensure faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to express their opinions at the campus level, to ensure that these opinions are given every reasonable consideration, to ensure the right to participate effectively in district and college governance, and to ensure the right of academic senates to assume primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards.
Appendix D - Educational Master Plan Goals
These goals are approached in a way that exemplifies Foothill College’s culture of innovation and problem solving, with emphasis on eliminating disproportionate impact among student groups:
Create a culture of equity that promotes student success, particularly for underserved students
Implement activities to improve achievement of student outcomes among those population groups experiencing disproportionate impact.
- Reduce barriers and facilitate students’ ease of access across the District and region.
- Enhance support for online quality and growth for instruction and student services.
- Collaborate with K-12, adult education, and four-year institutions in ways that serve students and society.
- Partner with business and industry to prepare students for the workforce.
Strengthen a sense of community and commitment to the College’s mission; expand participation from all constituencies in shared governance.
Encourage student participation in leadership and activities outsidetheclassroom (including service/work-based learning) that engages students with the College and the community.
- Provide effective onboarding, support, and professional development for all college employees.
- Encourage employee participation in leadership and activities that engages them with the College and the community.
- Promote consistent and clear communication in order tocreate a more informed, cohesive and engaged community.
- Increase lifelong learning opportunities for our community.
- Promote decision-making that respects the diverse needs of the entire college community.
Recognize and support a campus culture that values ongoing improvement and stewardship of resources.
- Increase advocacy at the statelevel, increase grants and private donations to secure stable and sustainable funding, and manage college resources strategically.
- Expand college practices and initiatives to support environmental stewardship.
- Employ data-driven decision-making.
Appendix E - Institutional Learning Outcomes
Definition of Foothill Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
(aka the 4-Cs and Discipline Content or the 21st Century Learning Outcomes)
Learning outcomes encompass the whole student experience. Learning outcomes measure student success by course completion, grades, program persistence, degrees and certificates, and transfer rate, as well as by societal, technical, and workforce preparation after leaving Foothill. Foothill recognizes that students will be expected by transfer universities, employers, and society to demonstrate knowledge and skills beyond those of a specific discipline. These skills include written and oral communication in English, mathematics, critical and analytical thinking, creativity, teamwork, responsibility, and other proficiencies. Foothill has defined four core competencies (4-Cs) as its Institutional Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate analytical reading and writing skills including evaluation, synthesis, and research; deliver focused and coherent presentations; demonstrate active, discerning listening and speaking skills in lectures and discussions.
Complex problem-solving skills, technology skills, computer proficiency, decision analysis (synthesis and evaluation), apply mathematical concepts and reasoning, and ability to analyze and use numerical data.
Creative, Critical, and Analytical Thinking
Judgment and decision making, intellectual curiosity, problem solving through analysis, synthesis and evaluation, creativity, aesthetic awareness, research method, identifying and responding to a variety of learning styles and strategies.
Community/Global Consciousness and Responsibility
Social perceptiveness, including respect, empathy, cultural awareness and sensitivity, citizenship, ethics, interpersonal skills and personal integrity, community service, self - esteem, interest in and pursuit of lifelong learning.
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