Governance Handbook
Annual Supplemental Documents
SKIP to a Supplemental Topic Listed
- Supplement 1 – Foothill College Governance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Supplement 2 – Sample Committee Agenda Topics
- Supplement 3 – Sample Governance Agenda for Annual
- Summit Supplement 4 – Governance Committee Member “Job Description”
- Supplement 5 – Governance Templates
- Supplement 6 – Sample Fall Governance Training Outline
Supplement 1 - Foothill College Governance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Supplement 3 - Sample Governance Agenda for Annual Summit
A Governance Summit will take place in September each year. All council members, as well as Senate(s) Leadership will be invited.
Key Agenda Items
- Orientation on Governance
- Review prior year strategic objectives
- Discuss upcoming year strategic objectives
- Councils meet to discuss schedule for the year
- Councils report out on schedule and proposed studygroups
Supplement 4 - Governance Council Member “Job Descriptions
- Provide input onthe strategic direction of thecollege, including monitoring institutional
- Keep informed of the activities of the college and the wider issues that affect its
- Express your opinions and
- Share comments/positions taken by the constituency group that appointed
- Cometo meetings prepared toparticipateand carry feedback fromtheconstituent group.
- Read the agenda and the materials thoroughly in advance of the
- Report back tothe constituent groupthe information discussed and actions taken in the council.
- Listen respectfully to all participants during committee meetings and actively engage in meeting
- Understanding of and commitment to Foothill College’s mission and
- An openness to hear a variety of opinions and
Time Commitment Required
- The term of office for council members is specified in your
- The role generally requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per month, but may fluctuate depending on reading/discussions necessary to be properly informed to participate in council
Each council will be assigned a facilitator. Facilitators will be Foothill employees but not members of the council (they will not vote, they will not be a tri-chair). They will be appointed by the President and assigned to a council for an academic year. Facilitators will sit in on agenda setting meetings.
Facilitators will prepare and distribute the agenda (using a standard template) in sufficient time to meet Brown Act requirements. During the meeting, the facilitator will be responsible for encouraging participation from all committee members, calling on members to speak (so as to avoid members talking over eachother), keeping the discussion connected to the agenda item, and keeping the discussion within the meeting time. The facilitator will summarize actions prior to voting, and will allow adequate time for additional discussion necessary prior to having the committee vote on an action to be taken. Facilitators will use Green, Red, and Yellow cards – calling on those with Yellow and Red cards in particular as a way to facilitate the sharing of dissenting opinions. There may be a monthly meeting of facilitators to share information across councils (this will also provide a backup just in case a facilitator can’t make a meeting).
Suggestions for Developing Meeting Agendas
- Have a clear purpose for the meeting and communicate that purpose on the
- List whom will be the speaker for each agenda item (if other than facilitator).
- Don’t include too much into one meeting and consider including time blocks for specific items -this indicates relative importance of items and helps people prioritize.
- Schedule important items early in the meeting to ensure sufficient timefor discussion.
- Work with your tri-‐chairs to plan the meeting in advance, and use the agenda as a checklist to make sure you have the right documents, people, and other resources at the meeting.
- Circulate the agenda at least 72 hours in advance along with any materials and include a description and proposed outcome for each
- Understanding of and commitment to Foothill College’s mission and values.
- An openness to hear a variety of opinions and perspectives.
Time Commitment Required
- One year appointment.
- The role generally requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per month.
Each council will be assigned a recorder. Recorders will be Foothill employees but not members of the council (they will not vote, they will not be a tri-chair). They will be appointed by the President and assigned to a council for an academic year. Recorders will sit in on agenda setting meetings.
Recorders will note topics of discussion, points made, and agreement/disagreement on points made in reasonable detail so that upon review, community members could easily understand what was discussed at a meeting. Recorders will repeat a decision that was made by the council, as they understood it, so as to accurately reflect actions/decisions in the meeting minutes. Recorders are responsible for taking and posting / sharing the draft minutes of the meeting within a week of the meeting using a standard template.
Items to Include in Meeting Minutes
- A listing of members present, members absent and guests present
- Summaries of reports given
- Points made on agenda topics
- Links to reports shared at the meeting
- Decision or action taken on all action items
- Understanding of and commitment to Foothill College’s mission and values.
- An openness to hear a variety of opinions and perspectives
Time Commitment Required
- One-year
- The role generally requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per month.
The Chairs will be appointed by the Senates (Academic and Classified) and the President (for administrators). In the future, the Senates may also wish to select Chairs from members whom have already served on the council to foster continuity over time.
- Meet to prepare an agenda that will foster engagement
- Report on the status of action items
- Conduct an annual evaluation of the committee
- Be fully informed and inform fully – ensure all members have the information they need to make informed decisions and take part indiscussions
- Request materials/presenters in advance for items on the agenda
- Understanding of and commitment to Foothill College’s mission and values
- An openness to hear a variety of opinions and perspectives
Time Commitment Required
- One-year appointment.
- The role generally requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per month.
Ex-officio members will be appointed by the President each yea
- Support council discussions with information and materials.
- Request materials/presenters in advance for items on the agenda.
- Understanding of and commitment to Foothill College’s mission and values.
- An openness to hear a variety of opinions and per month.
Time Commitment Required
- One-year appointment
- The role generally requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per month.
Supplement 5 - Governance Templates
View sample documents for format.
Note: Use the accessible council templates provided on the Meeting Templates and Guidelines page.
If you are new to a facilitation team, check with the outgoing team to access a council's most recent template when update for the new academic year.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
The following is included on both the agenda and minute documents:
- Foothill College Mission Statement
- Current Strategic Objectives: as an example 2017-2018 Strategic Objectives (E2SG) = Equity, Enrollement, Service Leadership, Governance
- Voting Membership and Ex-officios, plus members present on meeting minutes.
- Attachment(s):
Governance Council Recommendation to the President
Include the following:
- Date of memo
- Proposed change (description)
- Background and rationale (description)
- Date recommended by the Council
Governance Council Recommendation to another Council
- Date of memo
- To named Council
- From named Council
- Proposed change (description)
- Background and rationale (description)
- Date recommended by the Council
Supplement 6 - Sample Fall Governance Training Outline
- Review Foothill College Mission Statement
- Review Role of Governance at Foothill Colleg
- Discuss Governance Success Indicators - Expectations
- Review Charge of Councils
- Discuss Responsibilities of Council Membership
- Discuss Educational Master Plan Goals and Strategic Objectives
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Please contact me!
Veronica Casas, President's Office
Administration Building 1900