Degrees, Certificates, & Transfer Programs
Archive Reminder
The listings on this page are archived Degree and Certificate Programs information through 2020-2021.
For Current RequirementsFor 2021-2022 degree and certificate requirements and years after, see the new Foothill College Academic Catalog. |
General Studies - Social Science Website | Business and Social Sciences Division
General Studies - Social Science 2019-2020
The Social Science major is recommended for transfer students as it provides a basic foundation for subsequent specialization in many liberal arts fields of study. The value of the degree is now recognized by business and industry as it requires a variety of skills demanded in business, education, health, law and government, as well as the social services.
Program Learning Outcomes:
-Students will be able to identify connections and linkages between specific fields of study, events and ideas and larger studies of specific themes, developments and topics in anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology.
-Students will be able to critically analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources in the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology and draw scholarly interpretations from them.
Career Opportunities:
The General Studies student should market educational accomplishments as a collection of career transferable skills in communication, the global arena, public service, problem solving, production and personnel management. Courses in statistics, business principles, computer science, and language arts should be taken as elective units to increase marketability of the graduate to potential employers.
Units Required
- Major: 30
Degree Requirements:
-English proficiency: ENGL 1A, 1AH, 1S & 1T, or equivalent.
-Mathematics proficiency: MATH 105, 180, or any MATH course approved for Foothill GE Area V, Communication & Analytical Thinking.
A minimum of 90 units is required* to include:
-Completion of one of the following general education patterns: Foothill General Education, CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
-Core courses (30 units)
*Additional elective course work may be necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement for the associate degree.
NOTE: All courses pertaining to the major must be taken for a letter grade. In addition, a grade of "C" or better is required for all core and support courses used for the degree.
Additional Information:
NOTE: Students having difficulty in attaining an associate degree because of timing or availability of classes should consult with a counselor to submit a petition for course substitution.
Core Courses (30 units)
Select any combination of 30 units from at least FIVE departments:
ANTH 1 Introduction to Physical Anthropology (4 units)
or ANTH 1H Honors Introduction to Physical Anthropology (4 units)
ANTH 2A Cultural Anthropology (4 units)
or ANTH 2AH Honors Cultural Anthropology (4 units)
ANTH 2B Patterns of Culture (4 units)
ANTH 3 World Prehistory: The Rise & Fall of Early Civilizations (4 units)
ANTH 4 First Peoples of North America (4 units)
ANTH 5 Magic, Science & Religion (4 units)
ANTH 6 Peoples of Africa (4 units)
ANTH 8 Introduction to Archaeology (4 units)
ANTH 12 Applied Anthropology (4 units)
ECON 1A Principles of Macroeconomics (5 units)
ECON 1B Principles of Microeconomics (5 units)
ECON 9 Political Economy (4 units)
or ECON 9H Honors Political Economy (4 units)
or POLI 9 Political Economy (4 units)
or POLI 9H Honors Political Economy (4 units)
ECON 25 The Global Economy (4 units)
GEOG 1 Physical Geography (5 units)
GEOG 2 Human Geography (4 units)
GEOG 5 Introduction to Economic Geography (4 units)
GEOG 10 World Regional Geography (4 units)
Global Studies
GLST 1 Introduction to Global Studies (4 units)
GLST 2 Global Issues (4 units)
HIST 3A World History from Prehistory to 750 CE (4 units)
HIST 3B World History from 750 CE to 1750 CE (4 units)
HIST 3C World History from 1750 CE to the Present (4 units)
HIST 4A History of Western Civilization to 800 CE (4 units)
HIST 4B History of Western Civilization: 700-1800 (4 units)
HIST 4C History of Western Civilization 1789-Present (4 units)
or HIST 4CH Honors History of Western Civilization 1789-Present (4 units)
HIST 9 History of Contemporary Europe (4 units)
or HIST 9H Honors History of Contemporary Europe (4 units)
HIST 10 History of California: The Multicultural State (4 units)
HIST 17A History of the United States to 1815 (4 units)
HIST 17B History of the United States from 1812 to 1914 (4 units)
HIST 17C History of the United States from 1914 to the Present (4 units)
or HIST 17CH Honors History of the United States from 1914 to the Present (4 units)
HIST 18 Introduction to Middle Eastern Civilization (4 units)
HIST 20 History of Russia & the Soviet Union (4 units)
HUMN 1 Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas: The Ancient World (4 units)
HUMN 2 Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas: Of Empires & Conflict (4 units)
HUMN 3 World Myths in Literature Arts & Film (4 units)
or HUMN 3H Honors World Myths in Literature Arts & Film (4 units)
HUMN 4 Trauma & the Arts (4 units)
or HUMN 4H Honors Trauma & the Arts (4 units)
HUMN 5 Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas: The Modern World (4 units)
HUMN 6 The Shock of the New: From the Modern to the Contemporary (4 units)
HUMN 7 Global Religions: Contemporary Practices & Perspectives (4 units)
or HUMN 7H Honors Global Religions: Contemporary Practices & Perspectives (4 units)
HUMN 9 Once Upon a Time? The Immortal Lure of Fairy Tales (4 units)
Political Science
POLI 1 Political Science: Introduction to American Government & Politics (5 units)
POLI 2 Comparative Government & Politics (4 units)
or POLI 2H Honors Comparative Government & Politics (4 units)
POLI 3 Introduction to Political Philosophy/Political Theory (5 units)
or POLI 3H Honors Introduction to Political Philosophy/Political Theory (5 units)
POLI 15 International Relations/World Politics (4 units)
or POLI 15H Honors International Relations/World Politics (4 units)
PSYC 1 General Psychology (5 units)
or PSYC 1H Honors General Psychology (5 units)
PSYC 4 Introduction to Biopsychology (5 units)
PSYC 10* Research Methods & Designs (5 units)
PSYC 14 Child & Adolescent Development (4 units)
PSYC 21** Psychology of Women: Sex & Gender Differences (4 units)
or WMN 21** Psychology of Women: Sex & Gender Differences (4 units)
PSYC 22 Psychology of Prejudice & Discrimination (4 units)
PSYC 25 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (4 units)
PSYC 30*** Social Psychology (4 units)
PSYC 33 Introduction to Personality Psychology (4 units)
PSYC 39 Psychology of Sports (4 units)
PSYC 40 Human Development (5 units)
PSYC 49 Human Sexuality (4 units)
SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology (5 units)
or SOC 1H Honors Introduction to Sociology (5 units)
SOC 8 Popular Culture (4 units)
SOC 10* Research Methods & Designs (5 units)
SOC 11 Introduction to Social Welfare (5 units)
SOC 14 Sociology of Crime (4 units)
SOC 15 Law & Society (4 units)
SOC 19 Alcohol & Drug Abuse (4 units)
SOC 20 Major Social Problems (4 units)
SOC 23 Race & Ethnic Relations (4 units)
SOC 28 Sociology of Gender (4 units)
SOC 30*** Social Psychology (4 units)
SOC 40 Aspects of Marriage & Family (4 units)
WMN 21** Psychology of Women: Sex & Gender Differences (4 units)
* The student may complete either PSYC 10 or SOC 10, but not both, to satisfy the core course requirements.
** The student may complete either PSYC 21 or WMN 21, but not both, to satisfy the core course requirements.
*** The student may complete either PSYC 30 or SOC 30, but not both, to satisfy the core course requirements.
Control Information:
2019-2020 |
Status: Approved |
Modified: 2019-05-30 11:03:41 |
Dept Code: SOSC

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Student Services Building 8300, Room 8302