Apprenticeship Program
About Our Apprenticeship Partnerships
Apprenticeship programs in California are developed and conducted by program sponsors, including individual employers, employer associations, or a jointly sponsored labor/management association.
We individually contract with program to bring you high-quality education through related and supplementary instruction.
(1) Program Sponsor (Trade Union School) → (2) Local Education Agency (Foothill) → (3) CA Dept of Apprenticeship Standard (DAS) → (4) Chancellor’s OfficeWhat We Provide
Once you are accepted into a trade program, we provide the following under the related and supplementary instruction agreement:
- College Credit (100-level courses)
- Montoya Act Classroom Hours
- Curriculum Approval
- Completion Certificates
- AS Degrees (as applicable)
- Student Services
- Academic Counseling
- Basic Skills & Prep
- Assessment Testing
- Transfer to Trade Colleges (National Labor College, Tech Trade Schools
w/apprenticeship programs) - CTE/Workforce at local Community College
- Fiscal/Budgetary Agent
Related and Supplementary Instruction (RSI)
The California Department of Education (CDE) supports related and supplementary instruction (RSI) in 35 regional occupational centers and programs (ROCP), and adult education programs (local education agencies), with more than 200 apprenticeship programs supporting over 40,000 registered apprentices.
- Registered apprentices are enrolled in a wide variety of craft and trade programs.
- There are more than 800 approved apprentice occupations in California.
- To get an idea of the different trade occupations and the locations of the schools throughout California, go to calapprenticeship.org.
Apprenticeship is a time-proven, on-the-job training and education delivery system. Appropriations to support RSI were initiated in 1970 under the Montoya Act.

Chris Allen, Division Dean Email: allenchris@foothill.edu |
Phuong Tran, Apprenticeship Programs Coordinator Phone: 408.745.8018 Email: tranphuong@foothill.edu |
Karen Oeh, Apprenticeship Programs Coordinator Phone: 408.745.8021 Email: oehkaren@fhda.edu |