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Assessment for Placement

Reclaim Your Student Rights with AB 1705

Ensuring Equitable Placement, Support and Completion at California's Community Colleges

large group of graduating students in cap and gown

Assembly Bill (AB) 1705 is a bill signed by the Governor that requires California Community Colleges to maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and mathematics within one year, setting into motion changes that will severely restrict the ability of community colleges to offer remedial math and English courses. 

AB 1705 builds off a 2017 law, that bill was brought forward amid research showing that students who took remedial math and English classes often got stuck in those classes and were less likely to finish their degrees.

For more information about AB 705 & AB 1705, visit the California Community Colleges: Equitable Placement, Support and Completion page.



assessment staff

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Testing & Assessment Center

(650) 949-7743

Student Services Building 8200 Room 8212
