Female speaking to another female

Title IX - Stop Sexual Violence

Our Commitment

Report an Incident

Foothill College is committed to ending relationship or interpersonal violence and sexual misconduct on our campus and easing the burden placed on those who report these types of behaviors.

Click below to submit an online reporting form or click HERE for other reporting options.

Online Form — Report Sexual Assualt & Discrimination

Safety and Well-Being

Foothill College is committed to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free of:

  • sex discrimination
  • sexual harassment
  • sexual violence
  • domestic violence
  • dating and acquaintance violence and stalking

The safety and well-being of the campus community is a priority for Foothill College.

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits sex (gender-based) discrimination and harassment in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial funding, including for employment, academic, educational, extracurricular and athletic activities.

This Federal Law

Protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, which are forms of discrimination, and requires institutions to take necessary steps to prevent sexual assault on their campuses, and to respond promptly and effectively when an assault is reported.

Title IX Coordinator

Foothill College

Catalina Rodriguez
Dean of Students

Campus Center, Office 2003

De Anza College

Laureen Balducci
Dean, Counseling and Disability Support Programs and Services

ADM 122, Administration Building

Learn more about Title IX

Contact Information and resources

Learn how to report and incident

Understand Key terms

What do do if you experience or witness sexual misconduct

What to do if you are accused of sexual assault or harrassment

Prevention and Resources


Sexual Violence district policies

Employee Resources

Title IX training Materials

Campus Crime Statistics (Cleary Act)

Thank you to Indiana University for their permission to use their website as a guide in creating our Title IX web information.

Get Help If You Are Assaulted

Title IX Contacts at a Glance

Catalina Rodriguez

We're both here to talk at contact info below!

Catalina Rodriguez,
Title IX Coordinator

Anthony Cervantes,
Deputy Title IX Coordinator



Campus Center, Room 2003

Helpful Resources Links

Take the Pledge

It's on UsLearn more about what you can do to end sexual violence. Visit itsonus.org.
