Curriculum Committee
Degree or Certificate Process & Resources
Degree or Certificate Creation
Degree or Certificate Creation Process infographic—*NEW!*
**Begin the process of creating your new degree or certificate by filling out the New Degree or Certificate Proposal in CourseLeaf—visit our CourseLeaf Resources webpage for training videos and tip sheets (see link in sidebar)**
STEP ONE – Elevator Pitch
The purpose of this step is early communication and awareness across campus of the faculty author's intention to create a new degree/certificate. Consultation with the people listed below will help ensure that important aspects of the new degree/certificate (e.g., resource availability) are discussed early in the process.
A. Faculty author completes the New Degree or Certificate Proposal form* in CourseLeaf. This form will ask for:
- Faculty Author(s)
- Division
- Proposed Title of Degree/Certificate
- Type of Award**
- Workforce/CTE Program (Y/N)***
- Which academic departments will be involved in the creation of this new degree/certificate? Are any new departments being created?
- Does De Anza offer a similar degree or certificate?
- What is the educational need for this new degree/certificate?
- How does the degree/certificate align with Foothill's Strategic Vision for Equity?
- Comments and other relevant information for discussion
*Faculty authors should ensure they're consulting with all the appropriate people
(all Department faculty, Division Dean(s), AVP of Workforce for Workforce/CTE degrees/certificates***)
during the process of completing the Proposal form. For interdisciplinary degrees/certificates, it is recommended to include deans from
all associated divisions in the discussion.
**Awards include both transcriptable degrees and certificates and non-transcriptable credit certificates (see New Degree or Certificate Proposal form). In the case of a non-transcriptable credit certificate the faculty author completes this process through the end of Step 2. After the Proposal form for a non-transcriptable credit certificate is approved by CCC, the faculty author may add the certificate to the associated curriculum sheet during the next scheduled updating cycle, for publication in the upcoming catalog.
***Workforce/CTE degrees/certificates must request LMI data and submission to BACCC through AVP of Workforce. Faculty authors should reach out to AVP of Workforce as early as possible, as LMI data can take a minimum of 4-8 weeks to receive. Note: Non-transcriptable credit certificates do not require LMI data and are not submitted to BACCC.
B. Faculty author submits form to the Division CC.
STEP TWO – Curriculum Committee Feedback and Approval of Initial Concept
The purpose of this step is to formally approve the proposal at the Division CC and CCC levels, and to encourage communication between Foothill and De Anza regarding new degrees/certificates.
A. Division CC Discussion, Feedback, Approval
Division CC ensures form is complete and aligns with department/division/college mission and priorities, offers constructive feedback, and approves form before forwarding to CCC.
B. CCC Discussion, Feedback, Approval
Faculty author and/or division reps pitch new degree/certificate to CCC with a goal of interdisciplinary communication, addressing concerns with potential redundancies, ensuring degree/certificate aligns with college mission and priorities.
C. Academic & Professional Matters (APM) Committee (District)
Faculty Co-Chair of CCC asks to agendize degree/certificate creation proposal at APM as part of a newly-agreed upon process for both colleges to share new curriculum development with the sister school. For the purposes of this process, this step is simply a "heads up" to De Anza colleagues. Faculty author can continue to Step 3.
STEP THREE – Faculty Author Completes New Degree/Certificate Narrative
The purpose of this step is to fill out and gather the documentation required by the state Chancellor's Office for all new degrees/certificates. Communication with the people listed below will help ensure that all information is accurate and complete.
A. Faculty author completes the state-required New Degree/Certificate narrative in CourseLeaf. (Some degrees, e.g., ADTs, may have separate requirements.) In filling out this form, faculty author needs to be communicating/coordinating with:
- Department faculty
- Division curriculum reps
- Division Dean(s)
- Articulation Officer
- AVP of Workforce
B. Once complete, faculty author submits narrative to the Division CC, along with any state-required supporting documentation (noted on narrative form in CourseLeaf).
STEP FOUR – New Degree/Certificate (“Program”) Approvals
The purpose of this step is to formally approve the new degree/certificate at the Division CC and CCC levels, and to finalize local approval by the FHDA Board (which is required by CA Education Code).
A. Division CC reviews/approves narrative.
Division CC reviews for completion of form, ensuring all courses listed are active, double checking units, eliminating redundancies, etc. Once approved, Division CC forwards to CCC.
In the case of a Workforce/CTE degree/certificate, Division CC also forwards narrative to AVP of Workforce, for submission to BACCC.
B. CCC reviews/approves narrative.
CCC reviews and approves narrative and any supporting documentation.
C. FHDA Board approval of degree/certificate.
New degree/certificate submitted to FHDA Board (by Curriculum Coordinator) for final local approval. Note: Workforce/CTE degrees/certificates must be approved by BACCC prior to submission to FHDA Board. If any substantive changes were made at BACCC following CCC approval, the changes should be re-approved by CCC prior to FHDA Board submission.
- Program and Course Approval Handbook (State Chancellor's Office [8th edition, 2023])
- SOC Code Lookup - external link to O*NET OnLine
- TOP Code Manual (State Chancellor's Office [7th edition, 2023])
- TOP-CIP Crosswalk - use this spreadsheet to select the appropriate CIP Code for your degree/certificate
New Program Templates
We are now using CourseLeaf to create all new degrees and certificates. The state-required narrative document has been integrated into this system.
Degree or Certificate Discontinuance
- Log into MyPortal
- Click Apps in the left-hand menu
- Under Faculty or Staff, select CourseLeaf
- Click Launch CIM Courses (CORs) to enter the system
The College Curriculum Committee meets 2–3:30 p.m. every other Tuesday.
CCC is currently holding hybrid meetings. Attendees may join either on campus (specific
location will be listed on the meeting agenda) or virtually via Zoom. Ben Kaupp, CCC
Co-Chair, will distribute the Zoom link to committee members; if you would like to
attend via Zoom, please email Ben at kauppben@fhda.edu
View committee members. |

Please contact me!
Curriculum Coordinator Mary Vanatta