About the Program
Why We Study Economics
When you think of the word “economics,” what comes to mind?
You may be surprised to know that at its foundation, economics is a study of human behavior. Economics considers the inevitable trade-offs that come with the choices that we make, and the costs and benefits related to those decisions.
Studying economics provides a new framework with which to understand the world. Critical thinking skills gained will make you an informed voter, a better citizen, and a more effective decision-maker. Virtually every industry—from high-end finance to non-profits who provide vital support to underserved populations—need employees with an economic skill set.
Want to succeed? Take an introductory Econ course.
Listen to this short 7-minute Marketplace Podcast from Jan. 28, 2020 to learn why Economics may be right for you!
Questions Economists Ask
- What causes inequality gaps (and how do we fix them)?
- Why are homes so expensive in the Bay Area?
- How can we support low-income families?
- What policies can lower greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the worst effects of climate change?
- What is the deal with bitcoin? What is money?
What Students Say
“Economics will allow you to recognize options in life that will optimize your future.” – Carlos, Class of 2016 and Economics major at UC Davis
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Two Types of Degrees at Foothill
A.A. – An Economics Associate in Arts allows you to transfer to a four-year school of your choice or start working right away. You’ll develop a broad knowledge of the economy and market systems as well as valuable insights on identifying costs and benefits and making optimal decisions.
A.A.-T – With an Economics Associate in Arts for Transfer, you can learn your Economics fundamentals and also prepare for transfer to California State Universities (CSU).
Career Opportunities
A major in economics can prepare you for a wide range of careers, including legal and government work or a job in banking and finance.
Graduate degrees are necessary for those who wish to teach at the college or university level and also afford opportunities for banking careers at the higher management levels and in the fields of securities analysis, finance, international finance and international trade.
What can you do with a degree in economics?
- Actuary
- Credit Analyst
- Economic Consultant
- Lawyer
- Management Consultant
- Market Research Analyst
Prerequisites for Econ 1A & 1B.California State Law now requires all students to satisfy an Elementary Algebra (Math 220) prerequisite prior to enrolling in Econ 1A & 1B. Students may satisfy the prerequisite through one of the following options: OPTION 1: Take the math placement test
OPTION 2: Prerequisite Clearance If you have completed Math 220 at another college, you will need to show that you have satisfied the requirement.
OPTION 3: Complete Math 220 with a grade of C or better |
We offer a number of excellent courses. See our course catalog for descriptions. See schedule of classes for courses offered this and upcoming term.
- ECON 1A (5 units) – Macroeconomics ( F, W, Sp, Su)
- ECON 1B (5 units) – Microeconomics (F, W, Sp, Su)
- ECON 25 (4 units) – The Global Economy (Sp)
- ECON 9 / POLI 9 (4 units) – Political Economy (F, Sp)
- ECON 54H (1 unit) – Econ Honors Seminar
Degrees & Certificates
View the list below for programs offered at Foothill. Then select a program map for a possible schedule that fulfills program and college requirements.
For program requirements and full course listings, view degrees and certificates information.
Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree |
Associate in Arts Degree |

Division Office Contacts
Aaron Korngiebel, Division Dean Email: korngiebelaaron@fhda.edu |
Business & Social Sciences Division |
Join Fund the Future ClubGet involved outside of class! Our club goals include: —Educating ourselves and the public about global poverty, climate change and other issues that impact the future through discussions and guest speakers —Taking action to help alleviate poverty through microcredit loans and supporting education in developing countries We meet Fridays at 10 a.m. on Zoom. For details, email club advisor Brian Evans at evansbrian@fhda.edu. Foothill Grad Evelyn Keomian Talks about her Ivory Coast SchoolWatch Zoom recording of her Nov. 19, 2021 talk about educating girls |
Service Leadership OpportunitiesTake classes and teach English to students in Antigua, Guatemala. Learn about our Guatemala Teacher Corps program |