Business & Social Sciences
About Our Division
What We Offer
Choose from a broad range of Business and Social Sciences degree and certificate programs, including career training and associate degrees for transfer.
Visit our academic department websites listed below for course catalog, degree & certificate and class schedule information.
Business & Social Sciences Academic Departments
Recommendations for Your Success
Reading, Writing and Study Skills
The Teaching & Learning Center offers
- Free one-on-one 20-minute tutoring sessions for any Foothill class
- 40-minute group workshops on different skills topics throughout the quarter.
- Learn more about the TLC programs
Online Learning
Many business and social sciences programs offer online classes that more easily fit your schedule.
To best prepare for taking online courses, please review our Guidelines for Succeeding in Your Classes
Adding Classes
We recommend you attend a class from the beginning.
Research demonstrates that students who add late perform significantly worse than students who begin class the first week.
Please review Guidelines for Adding Classes after the Quarter Starts

We're Here to Help!
Alex Collins, Business & Social Sciences Division
Bldg. 3000, Office 3007
BSS Division Office
Aaron Korngiebel, Division Dean |
Contact individual faculty members for office hours and specific course information. See Faculty & Staff Directory
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