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Veterans Resource Center

Housing and Basic Needs Information

As a supportive and inclusive community, we are committed to increasing veteran and military-connected student access to and awareness of campus and community resources.  Having basic needs met is essential to doing your best academically, and the VRC hopes to provide information and resourcees to that end. 

Owls Nest (Basic Needs) 

The VRC partners with the Owls Nest to provide basic meals in the VRC.  Students can also visit the Owls Nest in the Student Center. 

Emergency Housing Assistance

The Foothill College Emergency Housing Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to student veterans registered at Foothill College who experience housing insecurity. The Foothill Veterans Emergency Housing Assistance Fund is awarded on a one-time basis per household. The award amount will not exceed $1500.

In order to be eligible for the Foothill College Emergency Housing Assistance Fund, students must:

      • Be currently enrolled at least half-time (6+ units)
      • Have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA
      • Have completed at least one quarter at Foothill College
      • Be in good academic standing for the term of application

Interested students must submit an application and will be contacted by the VRC team within 3 business days. 







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We're Here to Help!

Veterans Resource Center


Building 5400, Room 5403


View Veterans Resource Center Office Hours

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government




