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Online Degrees & Certificates

AA Transfer English

Program Description

The Associate in Arts in English for Transfer degree is designed to prepare students for transfer to California State Universities (CSUs). Students who complete the Associate in Arts in English for Transfer degree will be ensured preferential transfer status to a CSU as English majors and/or majors in related disciplines. The Associate in Arts in English for Transfer degree requirements will fulfill the lower division major requirements at many CSUs. Students are advised, however, to meet with a counselor to assess the course requirements for a specific CSU.

The Associate in Arts in English for Transfer degree will enable students to develop a strong foundation in critical reading, writing, and thinking, literary analysis and research methods, and will also offer a wide variety of elective courses in English and other related fields for students to develop a broad knowledge base of literary reading and writing that will prepare them for the requirements of upper-division coursework in English.

Learn more about the program on the English website.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to compose a thesis-based essay that clearly communicates a logical, evidence-supported argument.

Students will demonstrate, in writing, comprehension and critical analysis of college-level texts.

Units Required

Major: 27-34

Associate Degree Requirements

Associate in Arts in English for Transfer requires completion of a minimum of 90 units to include:

  • CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the *Intersegmental Genearl Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) 49-58 units (full certification is required)
  • Core and suppport courses (27-34 units, of which 14-20 units may satisfy the GE requirement)
  • Transferable electives necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement

* IMPORTANT NOTE: Although it is possible to fulfill the requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer by completing the IGETC for UC pattern, admission to CSU requires completion of an Oral Communication course (IGETC Area 1C; CSU GE Area A-1); therefore, students who plan to transfer to CSU should complete this course as part of their GE or elective units.

NOTE: All courses pertaining to the major must be completed with a grade of "C" (or "P") or better. In addition, the student must obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0.

Online Courses for English AAT

The courses listed BELOW are offered as online courses at least once every two years. Please see the Class Schedule for verification.

NOTE: Students having difficulty attaining an associate degree because of timing or availability of classes should consult with a counselor to submit a petition for course substitution.

Core and Support Courses

Core Courses (5-9 units)

Select ONE of the following Options:
Option 1
ENGL 1C Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking 5
or ENGL 1CH Honors Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking 5
ENGL 16 Introduction to Literature 4
Option 2
ENGL 1B Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature 5
or ENGL 1BH Honors Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature 5

Support Courses

List A

Complete TWO courses from List A: (10 Units)

ENGL 43A Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to the Late 18th Century 5
or ENGL 43AH Honors Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to the Late 18th Century 5
ENGL 43B Survey of British Literature II: The Romantic Period to the Present 5
or ENGL 43BH Honors Survey of British Literature II: The Romantic Period to the Present 5
ENGL 45A  Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865 5
or ENGL 45AH Honors Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865 5
ENGL 45B Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to the Present 5
or ENGL 45BH Honors Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to the Present 5


List B

And complete TWO courses from List B (or any course from List A not used above): (8-10 Units)

CRWR 6 Introduction to Creative Writing 5
ENGL 8 Children's Literature 4
ENGL 11 Introduction to Poetry 4
or ENGL 11H Honors Introduction to Poetry 4
ENGL 14 Traveling the World through Contemporary Literature 4
ENGL 16 * Introduction to Literature 4
ENGL 17 Introduction to Shakespeare 4

* If not used to satisfy the core requirement.

List C

And complete ONE course from List C (or any course from List A or B not used above): (4-5 Units)


CRWR 25A Poetry in Community 5
CRWR 39A Introduction to Short Fiction Writing 5
CRWR 41A Poetry Writing 5
ENGL 1B * Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature 5
or ENGL 1BH * Honors Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature 5
ENGL 1C * Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking 5
or ENGL 1CH * Honors Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking 5
ENGL 5 Loud & Queer: Literature of Sexual/Gender Identity 4
ENGL 7 Native American Literature 4
ENGL 10A Literature & the Environment 4
ENGL 12 African American Literature 4
ENGL 12A All Power to the People: Literature of the Black Panther Party 4
ENGL 18B Gothic & Horror Literature 4
ENGL 22 Women Writers 4
ENGL 24 Unmasking Comics: The Dawn of the Graphic Novel 4
ENGL 27G Detective & Mystery Fiction 4
ENGL 31 Latino/a Literature 4
ENGL 34C Literature into Film 4
ENGL 37 Science Fiction Literature: Reimagineering Reality 4
ENGL 38 Literature of Protest 4
ENGL 40 Asian American Literature 4
JAPN 3 Elementary Japanese III 5
JRNL 22A Introducation to Reporting & Newswriting 5
SPAN 3 Elementary Spanish III 5
Total Units   27-34

* If not used to satisfy the core requirement.

Note that this is a list of fully online courses that satisfy degree requirements.

For a list of on-campus courses that satisfy degree requirements, please visit  Associate Degree for Transfer-English 2023-2024.

Based on the 2023 - 2024 degree program.
