DREAMers and UndocuALLY
DACA & Undocumented Student Updates
Resolution 2025-05 Reaffims Support of Undocumented StudentsChancellor Lee Lambert recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt resolution 2025-05 in Support of Undocumented Students and Affirming the Privacy of Student Records. The vote at the Board meeting on Jan. 13, 2025 was unanimously yes. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office continues to support its commitment to undocumented students that provided guidance to local districts in dealing with immigration-related uncertainties in light of statements made by President-Elect Donald Trump during his campaign. The resolution reaffirms the district's commitment to serving as an open educational institution and maintaining the privacy of student records. Response to Sep. 13, 2023 DACA Ruling
The latest ruling allows current DACA recipients to keep and renew their status; however, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is still unable to process new applications. The Biden administration is expected to appeal last week’s ruling, and the case is likely to reach the Supreme Court Foothill College stand in solidarity with the FHDA Board of Trustees and colleagues across the state and nation in advocating for Congress to take action to protect our students and develop a pathway to citizenship. We hope you will join us in advocacy efforts and participate in the California Community Colleges Undocumented Student Action Week October 16-20 to learn more about how you can help support our students. Response to Oct. 5, 2022 DACA RulingDespite the fact that an October 5 Federal Court of Appeals decision ruled that the DACA program violates federal law, Foothill College will continue to serve and support our undocumented and DACA students. Please note, the court’s decision does not impact a student’s AB 540 status and allows DACA recipients to retain their status and even apply to extend their DACA status as is currently allowed for the foreseeable future. Additionally, it has been stated by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas that "as a result of the stay that remains in place, no one who currently has DACA will lose their protection from removal or work authorization." Daisy Gonzalez, Interim Chancellor of California Community Colleges, declared that community colleges will continue to work to ensure undocumented students are supported on our campuses. Foothill College wholeheartedly supports Interim Chancellor Gonzalez’ statement. Foothill-De Anza Stands Against Anti-Asian HateFoothill-De Anza stands in solidarity with Asian community during these times of increased prejudice and violence against them. We are committed to serving the needs of our Asian students. To learn more about how we have shown up, click here. Undocumented Student Allies CoalitionFoothill College's UndocuLiaison is generating interest in creating an Undocumented Student Allies Coalition on campus. An Undocumented Student Allies Coalition brings together students, staff, faculty, and administrators across disciplines and representative of Foothill community to build an undocu-friendly campus culture and institutionalize support and practices for undocumented students and students of mixed-status families. If you are interested, please fill out this form. DACA Updates & Access to Legal ServicesFor questions about DACA, public charge, or possible immigration remedies, book a consultation with the Immigration Institute of the Bay Area, Foothill's free, in-house immigration legal services provider. To book a consultation, click here. |
DACA Post-Texas Ruling: What Now?
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) has created a simple graphic explaining what current DACA-recipients and new applicants can expect.
For more information or to access other resources, check out the Immigrant Legal Resource Center website.
Information on Public Charge
Protecting Immigrant Families has created an informational flyer on Public Charge. This information is sanctioned by the Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations.
Public Charge: Does This Apply to Me?
Carga pública: ¿me afecta o no?
COVID-19 and the Public Charge Rule
For more information or to access other resources, check out the Protecting Immigrant Families Website.
These handouts and webpage offer general information. Every case is different.
For information specific to your case around public charge, please consult with an attorney from Foothill's Free Immigration Legal Services.
Catholic Charities Hotline for Disaster Relief Assistance (DRA) for Immigrants
The State of California's Department of Social Services has announced the Disaster Recovery Assistance to Immigrants Program (DRAI). The state has reached out to social service contractors serving immigrants and asked for these nonprofit partners to help distribute financial assistance to immigrants who are ineligible for any other federal or state aid due to their undocumented status. Catholic Charities of California has been asked to administrate the DRAI program in the Bay Area through each of the local Catholic Charities agencies. Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County along with Catholic Charities of San Francisco and Catholic Charities of the East Bay will work together over the next seven weeks (May 18th to June 30th) to distribute approximately $15 million in disaster relief to approximately 35,000 undocumented immigrants. Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County's Economic Development Immigration Legal Services team is coordinating the immigration disaster assistance.
For more information or to apply, contact Catholic Charities at 415.324.1011 or visit their DRA webpage.
Extra EBT COVID-19 Relief Funds
The California Department of Social Services has a new program whereby they will disburse dollars to families currently participating in the free and reduced priced meal program. Each eligible student can qualify for $5.70 per day for each day that school has been closed. The formula is included in the FAQ's. The disbursements will be on the family's EBT card. If your family isn't participating in the EBT program, you will have to sign up.
For more information or to apply, contact California's EBT Customer Service Call Center at 1.877.328.9677. The center is open 24/7.
To access a list of FAQs, click here.
OptumServe COVID-19 Testing Sites Opening in Santa Clara County
OptumService, in partnership with the State of California, the Santa Clara County, and the Santa Clara County Office of Education, will launch two new COVID-19 community testing sites at:
James Lick High School: 57 N White Rd, San Jose, CA 95127
Christopher High school: 850 Day Rd, Gilroy, CA 95020
Both sites will operate from 7 AM - 12 PM and 1 - 7 PM, Monday - Friday.
Anyone who meets the testing criteria can be tested regardless of insurance or immigration status. Appointment and testing services will be available in English and Spanish.
Tests are
Support for Undocumented Students During COVID-19 Letter
Recently, Alonso Garcia from the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC), sent a letter detailing in great depth the resources that are currently available to undocumented students and families during COVID-19.
To access the letter, click here: "Letter from Alonso Garcia, Foundation for California Community Colleges"
Stay Informed On the Latest News
Immigrants Rising's July 2020 DACA Update
Trump Can’t Immediately End DACA, Supreme Court Rules
SEED Initiative Support Letter Signed by 116 Organizations Was Sent to Gov. Newsome's
* *For the list of organizations, click here.**
Workers)Governor Newsom Announces New Initiatives to Support California Workers Impacted by COVID-19 (Including Undocumented Workers)
Immigrants Rising's 2019 Public Charge Update
Reps. Lewis and Gallego Introduce Bill to Pave the Way to Higher Ed for DREAMers
I'm a Dreamer and a Rhodes Scholar. Where do I belong?
Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Proclamation Targeting Some Asylum Seekers
San Jose to undocumented immigrants: 'We are prepared. You are not alone.'
**Learn about the County of Santa Clara's Rapid Response Network**
Immigrant relations office launches campaign to promote resources in Santa Clara Co.
Democrats Try To Force Dream Act Vote, As GOP Rolls Out Conservative DACA Fix
Republicans Present Conservative Vision For 'Dreamer' Protection
San Jose First City To Sue Trump Over DACA
California Governor, Legislative Leaders Allocate $30 Million For Dreamers In Wake Of DACA Decision
California Sues Trump Administration Over Plan To End DACA
U. Of California Sues Trump Administration Over DACA Decision
Can Congress Spare The Dreamers?
John McCain: President Trump's Decision To Rescind DACA Is 'Unacceptable'
Obama's Full Statement on DACA
As A Challenge To DACA Looms, Participants Brace For A Battle
What Major Universities Had To Say About Trump's Move To Roll Back DACA
How Democrats (And Some Republicans) Can Save DACA
We Are Americans, Revisited, The Dreamers Five Years Later
Join Our Newsletter
We also highly recommend joining a newsletter from some of the following organizations to be up to date with the latest information and resources.
Services Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN) Newsletter
Foundation for California Community Colleges: Immigration Updates

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