DREAMers and UndocuALLY
Mobile Apps
- Immigo: Features Immigration Basics, Legal Help Finder, Immigration News, Training & Events
- Citizenshipworks: Eligibility Requirements to become a U.S. Citizen, Filling out the Application, Study Tools, Getting Ready for the Interview
- Dreamer's Roadmap: Explore up-to-date Scholarships available for undocumented students. Get deadline reminders and tips when applying!
- Notifica: A project by United We Dream, the app allows anyone to send a message to a preselected number of people in case of detainment.
- Oportunidad: Civic Engagement, Immigration, Economic Empowerment, Find Help, News
Online Interactive Tools
- Protecting Dreamers: UC-created tool that connects individuals to elected officials in order to advocate for legislative solutions to DACA. Script is included.
- Ballotpedia: Ballotpedia's Who Represents Me? tool allows you to identify your current representatives. Please note: it asks for an address and email.
- Undocumented Student Campus Resource Map: CA Undocumented High Education Coalition's Campus Resource Map tool allows undocumented students to find resources and support systems at all the CSUs, UCs, and Community Colleges.
- Informed Immigrant / Inmigrante Informado: Everyone in the U.S. is entitled to certain rights under the Constitution, no matter where you were born or who is president. Informed Immigrant is here to help you learn how to put those rights to use so you can feel as prepared as possible if you encounter immigration enforcement. **Check out their UndocuTech resources: English | Spanish**
Pamphlets & Guides
Webinar Materials
CCC Immigration Legal Services
Wednesday, 2/3/21
Recording | PowerPoint | CCC Undocu-Resources
Increasing Inclusivity for Undocumented API Students on Your Campus
Thursday, 2/18/21
Recording | PowerPoint | Toolkit
Developing A Strong Undocumented Task Force on Your College Campus
Tuesday, 3/23/21
Recording | PowerPoint | Toolkit
Undocu-Transfer Information Session Series
Fall 2020 - Winter 2021
- CSU Northridge: Recording and PowerPoint
- CSU Long Beach: Recording, PowerPoint, and Resources
- CSU Los Angeles: Recording and PowerPoint
- UC Irvine: Recording and PowerPoint
- Cal Poly Pomona: Recording and PowerPoint
- CSU Dominguez Hills: Recording and PowerPoint
Traveling on Advance Parole for DACA Recipients
Tuesday, 5/11/21
Recording | PowerPoint | Toolkit
Undocu-Resilience: Mental Health Knowledge and Practices that Support Undocumented College Student Success
Thursday, 5/13/21
Santa Clara County-Sponsored Asian American Pacific Islander Experience Events
Multiple Webinars: "Understanding the AAPI Experience," "Our Diverse AAPI Community,"
"Prejudice and Violence," and more!
De Anza's HEFAS Annual Summit
Friday, 6/4/21 and Saturday, 6/5/21
Day 1 Recording | Day 2 Recording
UndocuWisdom Series: Advance Parole, SIJS, & Other Relief
Wednesday, June 9th, 2021
Understanding the Undocumented Community: CCC Study Results
June 2021
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, with 2.1 million students attending 114 colleges. Our colleges provide students with the knowledge and background necessary to compete in today’s economy. With a wide range of educational offerings, the colleges provide workforce training, basic courses in English and math, certificate and degree programs and preparation for transfer to four-year institutions." – from the CCC Chancellor's Office website
The CCC Chancellor's Office has put together a list of resources for undocumented students.
Community College League of California
The Community College League of California (League) is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose voluntary membership consists of the 72 local public community college districts in California. We support locally elected trustees and community college CEOs serve their students and communities by advocating on their behalf at the state and federal levels, providing continued professional development, and delivering services that employ economies of scale to minimize cost.
The League is committed to advocating for and supporting undocumented students.
County of Santa Clara Office of Immigrant Relations
"Over the past two decades Santa Clara County developed a unique approach to immigrant integration. Policy makers, activists, scholars, researchers, county employees and community members often work together to strategize and implement changes in order to better recognize demographic shifts and appreciate immigrant contributions... Santa Clara County has made significant efforts to develop policies based on research, establish practices and collaborations that go beyond typical approach adopted by other local governments." –from the County of Santa Clara OIR website
Define American
"Define American is a nonprofit media and culture organization that uses the power of story to transcend politics and shift the conversation about immigrants, identity, and citizenship in a changing America." –from the Define American website
Read more at defineamerican.com
For more information or to subscribe to the e-list, please contact the Define American Foothill College Chapter.
Immigrants Rising
Formerly Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC)
“Founded in 2006, Immigrants Rising transforms individuals and fuels broader changes. With resources and support, undocumented young people are able to get an education, pursue careers, and build a brighter future for themselves and their community.” –from the Immigrants Rising website
Read more at immigrantsrising.org
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
“The mission of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is to work with and educate immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector to continue to build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people.” –from the ILRC website
Immigration Institute of the Bay Area (IIBA)
“The Immigration Institute of the Bay Area (IIBA) helps immigrants, refugees, and their families join and contribute to the community. IIBA provides high-quality immigration legal services, education, and civic engagement opportunities.” –from the IIBA website
***IIBA’s legal team is conducting appointments via phone, despite our offices being closed due to COVID-19. Please call our offices to schedule.***
Immigration Law Help
“ImmigrationLawHelp.org is a searchable online directory of over 1,000 free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states. Only nonprofits that are BIA recognized or have attorneys on staff are included in the directory. Users can search ImmigrationLawHelp.org by state, zip code, or detention facility. Users can also refine their search by types and areas of legal assistance provided, populations served, languages spoken, other areas of legal assistance, and non-legal services provided. ImmigrationLawHelp.org was developed by the Immigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono Net with support from the Four Freedoms Fund.” –from the Immigration Law Help website
Read more immigrationlawhelp.org
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
“Founded in 1968, MALDEF is the nation’s leading Latino legal civil rights organization. Often described as the ‘law firm of the Latino community,’ MALDEF promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.” –from the MALDEF website
My Undocumented Life Blog
“Our mission at My Undocumented Life is to provide up-to-date information and resources to undocumented immigrants. We post scholarship opportunities that are open to undocumented students, strategies for navigating the educational system, information on how to apply for DACA/Advanced Parole, news on DAPA, and much more. Most importantly, we want to provide a sense of community to our diverse group of readers.” –from the My Undocumented Life Blog website
Read more at mydocumentedlife.org
National Immigrant Law Center (NILC)
“Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.” –from the NILC website
Santa Clara Country Rapid Response Network (RRN)
“The Rapid Response Network aims to expand the community's capacity to monitor and document ICE operations in real time. We will support the process of gathering evidence used to free someone from ICE custody. We will expose any intimidating and unconstitutional tactics ICE uses to detain immigrants."–from the RRN PACT website
Services Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)
“SIREN has grown to include policy analysis and advocacy, community education, citizenship application assistance, and community and service provider trainings. SIREN’s mission is to empower low-income immigrants and refugees in Silicon Valley through community education and organizing, leadership development, policy advocacy and naturalization services. We believe that all people regardless of legal status or nationality are entitled to essential services, human dignity, basic rights and protections, and access to full participation in society.” –from the SIREN website
Read more at siren-bayarea.org

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Student Affairs & Activities
Building 2100, Room 2149