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Assessment for Placement

Assessment for Placement

Foothill College's placement process has changed to meet our diverse student community. If you require a placement for Math, English, ESLL, or Chemistry you will be assessed based on multiple measures: U.S. high school transcript information or guided self-placement.

  • Based on high school GPA information provided, student placements have already been calculated. Students may view their placements in their MyPortal account when they receive their student ID number.
  • If high school GPA information was not provided or student did not attend high school, please email to complete guided self-placement.

To maximize student time at Foothill College, all students are eligible to access transfer-level English composition, credit ESLL courses, and transfer level math (statistics, precalculus, etc.) regardless of your educational background or native language. If students require additional support, Foothill offers various corequisite support courses for English and math.

1. Subjects for Placement


Male looking at bulletin board

Select a Subject

2. How to View Placement Results in MyPortal

  1. LOG IN to MyPortal
  2. SELECT Apps from menu
  3. Under Students, SELECT Student Registration App
  4. Under My Records, SELECT View My Placement Results
  5. See Your Course Placement
  6. If you have questions about your placement results after viewing them in MyPortal, please contact the Assessment Office.

3. Meet with a Counselor

  • After you review your placement results, make an appointment with a counselor to develop your educational plan.

 If You Live Outside the Area

  • If you are an online student or preparing to attend Foothill College but do not live in the area, please email 


Not Sure?

See FAQs about which assessment is best for you.

I went to high school in the United States

If you are currently in high school or you have completed high school:

  1. View your placement in your MyPortal account. 
  2. If high school transcript information was unavailable or you are unsatisfied with your placement contact the Testing & Assessment Center to complete guided self-placement.

I did not attend high school in the United States

If your high school did not use a US-style 4.0 scale to calculate GPA or you did not attend high school in the United States, please make an appointment with the Testing & Assessment Center to complete guided self-placement.

*If you attended a high school using a US-style 4.0 scale to calculate GPA outside the United States, it may be used for placement. Send transcripts to

I have completed college level Math/English

Depending on your academic history, you may be eligible to clear the Math and/or English prerequisites with equivalent coursework from other educational institutions.

Make an appointment to meet with a counselor or submit a Prerequisite Clearance form to Admissions and Records

I have a degree from a U.S. accredited college

Depending on your academic history, you may be eligible to clear the Math and/or English prerequisites with equivalent coursework from other educational institutions.

Make an appointment to meet with a counselor or submit a Prerequisite Clearance form to Admissions and Records

I passed an AP English or Math exam

Depending on your Advanced Placement score, you may be eligible to clear the English or Math prerequisite.

Make an appointment to meet with a counselor.


assessment staff

We're Here to Help!

Testing & Assessment Center

(650) 949-7743

Student Services Building 8200 Room 8212

View Testing & Assessment Center Office Hours

Group of students in cap and gown at graduation

Reclaiming Your Student Rights with AB 1705

DID YOU KNOW? Students who complete English 1A and transfer-level math in their first year of college are more likely to succeed in their academic journey. Read more here.

Black Lives Student Services Services Statement

In Student Services, we acknowledge our role in not serving our Black students adequately. Please read full statement of our commitment to alter our course of action with a quarterly updated public plan. 

Black Lives Matter Action Plan April 2022 Updates
