Online Degrees & Certificates
AA Transfer Social Work and Human Services
Program Description
The Associate in Arts in Social Work and Human Services for Transfer Degree is intended for students who plan to transfer and complete a bachelor's degree in Social Work and majors in a related discipline at a CSU campus. Students completing this program are guaranteed admission to the CSU system but not necessarily to a particular campus or major of choice. Students should consult with a counselor for more information on admission to specific universities and their transfer requirements as individual schools may require different or additional coursework to that listed for the Associate in Arts in Social Work and Human Services for Transfer Degree.
Learn more about the program on the Sociology website.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be prepared for entry level positions in the field of social work.
Students will be able to analyze the skills and knowledge necessary for a career in social work.
Students will be able to identify and implement industry-recognized effective practices for human service delivery in culturally-relevant and culturally sustaining ways.
Students will be able to view the client as a whole person in the context of family, culture, and community in assessing the client's strengths and needs.
Students will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of public and private entities that deliver human services locally and statewide.
Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the qualities and characteristics of effective human service professionals.
Students will be able to critically analyze societal factors that create and contribute to social service needs.
Students will be prepared for university transfer in the majors of Social Work or Human Services.
Units Required
Major: 42.5-60.5
Associate Degree Requirements
Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer requires completion of a minimum of 90 units to include:
- CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the *Intersegmental Genearl Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) 49-58 units (full certification is required)
- Core courses (42.5-60.5 units, of which 25-30 units may satisfy the GE requirement)
- Transferable electives necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Although it is possible to fulfill the requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer by completing the IGETC for UC pattern, admission to CSU requires completion of an Oral Communication course (IGETC Area 1C; CSU GE Area A-1); therefore, students who plan to transfer to CSU should complete this course as part of their GE or elective units.
NOTE: All courses pertaining to the major must be completed with a grade of "C" (or "P") or better. In addition, the student must obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Online Courses for Social Work and Human Services AAT
The courses listed BELOW are offered as online courses at least once every two years. Please see the Class Schedule for verification.
- For a complete listing of online courses offered during the current quarter, visit Online Course Information.
- If you need any additional degree information or confirmation, please contact the Counseling Division.
NOTE: Students having difficulty attaining an associate degree because of timing or availability of classes should consult with a counselor to submit a petition for course substitution.
Core and Support Courses
Core Courses
SOC 1 | Introduction to Sociology | 5 |
or SOC 1H | Honors Introduction to Sociology | 5 |
SOC 7 | Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences | 5 |
or PSYC 7 | Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences | 5 |
or MATH 10 | Elementary Statistics | 5 |
SOC 11 | Introduction to Social Welfare | 5 |
SOC 50A | Social Work/Human Services Seminar | 1.5 |
SOC 50B | Social Work/Human Services Fieldwork | 3 |
BIOL 40A | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 5 |
& BIOL 40B | and Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 5 |
& BIOL 40C | and Human Anatomy & Physiology III | 5 |
ECON 1A | Principles of Macroeconomics | 5 |
or ECON 1B | Principles of Microeconomics | 5 |
PSYC 1 | General Psychology | 5 |
or PSYC 1H | Honors General Psychology | 5 |
Support Courses
List A: And select two courses from List A | 8-16 | |
ANTH 2A | Cultural Anthropology | 4 |
or ANTH 2AH | Honors Cultural Anthropology | 4 |
CHLD 1 | Child Growth & Development: Prenatal Through Early Childhood | 4 |
& CHLD 2* | and Child Growth & Development II: Middle Childhood Through Adolescence | 4 |
CHLD 8 | Child, Family & Community | 4 |
COMM 12 | Intercultural Communication | 5 |
ENGL 1B | Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking Through Literature | 5 |
or ENGL 1BH | Honors Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking Through Literature | 5 |
or ENGL 1C | Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking | 5 |
or ENGL 1CH | Honors Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking | 5 |
HIST 17A | History of the United States To 1815 | 4 |
& HIST 17B* | and History of the United States From 1812 To 1914 | 4 |
HIST 17B | History of the United States From 1812 To 1914 | 4 |
& HIST 17C* | and History of the United States From 1914 to the Present | 4 |
HLTH 23 | Drugs, Health & Society | 4 |
PSYC 25 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 40 | Human Development | 5 |
SOC 19 | Alcohol & Drug Abuse | 4 |
SOC 20 | Major Social Problems | 4 |
SOC 23 | Race & Ethnic Relations | 4 |
SOC 40 | Aspects of Marriage & Family | 4 |
SOC 45 | Sociology of Sexuality | 4 |
Total Units | 42.5-60.5 |
* Both courses must be completed to fulfill the requirement.
Note that this is a list of fully online courses that satisfy degree requirements.
For a list of on-campus courses that satisfy degree requirements, please visit Associate Degree for Transfer-Social Work and Human Services 2024-2025.
Based on the 2023 - 2024 degree program.