President's Office
March 18, 2025
(1) Empowering STEM Voices TODAY in Building 1900.
Please consider visiting 1900 lobby between 1 and 2:30 pm TODAY, March 18th for the conclusionary celebration of a SLI Student poster exhibit – a showcase that celebrates the amazing stories and experiences of our students from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM! These posters make visible the successful science journey of our students, displaying each student's individuality and family story alongside learning and hand-on experience in the STEM field.
The exhibit has been up all quarter, and we’re wrapping up the exhibition with a reception open to the Foothill community and beyond.
(2) Last Winter MIPC meeting this Friday
The Mission Informed Planning Council 9MIPC) will finish its work for the winter quarter this Friday. The agenda is posted here. Vice Chancellor Jory Hadsell will attend to provide some expertise on what is shared or not shared outside the FHDA ecosystem when AI tools are used on our platforms. And answer other questions. We will continue the discussion on Foothill values, and much more . . .! All are welcome.
(3) Recap of Tutoring Forum on Tutoring Models and Resources
On Friday, a well attended forum on tutoring support occurred at 1 pm in room 4501 and online. We hosted this forum after the item was agendized at MIPC and it was clear that it needed more time than any single MIPC meeting could support. Further, the meeting was hosted because:
- We are in the process of strategic planning and looking deeply about how we align our resources to create a standard of care throughout the college.
- Plateaued funding, the result of “hold harmless” sunsetting, will take effect next year.
- STEM Tutoring in the current model is funded on a block grant that is rapidly running out.
- If or before we make additional changes, we need to hear from those doing the work and utilizing these important services.
- We use a tutoring model that differs from other colleges and we should collegiality explore how that distinction functions at the college.
The materials for this forum are posted here. It’s important to note that additional research into the efficacy of our current tutoring models is already under way. Also important, while we need to make continued progress on our deliberations, the current funding for tutoring continues next year.
It was clear that our STEM tutoring services change lives and the testimony, most powerfully student testimony, was impactful. In that space we endeavored to chart a path forward that taps into creative problem solving so that access to tutoring remains part of our core suite of services even as we navigate a changing fiscal landscape. Or, as we head into plateaued funding, I should say unchanging fiscal landscape.
(4) New Classified Orientation, Wednesday March 19th.
We are pleased to kick off Classified Professional Orientation this Wednesday. This is part of an on-going effort to better welcome new classified professionals and create a sense of belonging and connection. Thank you for the leadership of the classified senate and president Doreen Finkelstein, Vice President Stacy Gleixner, and other collaborators.
(5) Town Hall: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Immigration: Reaffirming District Values - Upholding Our Principles and Interests Within Legal Frameworks
Yesterday’s in-person town hall in week eleven at 9 am was a tough sell but thanks to those that made their way to 8338 to hear from the Chancellor, Trustee Landsberger, myself, labor as well as classified and faculty senate leaders. If you couldn’t attend the session but want to hear more, the last session is virtual and this Friday from 1-2 pm. This session was scheduled by the district and I unavoidably conflicts with MIPC.
Yours in service,
Dr. Kristina Whalen
President, Foothill College
@prezfoothill on IG