Inter Club Council (ICC) and Clubs
Hosting Official Events
While clubs can always host meetings and smaller internal events, they can also create official Foothill College events that are open to all students. These may use college resources such as event spaces and venues, funding for catering and materials, and advertisement services.
For all questions and planning/logistical support, please reach out to our ICC Events Coordinator.
When Planning Events
Meet with your advisor and fellow club members
Please Discuss:
- The purpose of the event.
- How much money your club is willing to allocate.
- The location and time.
- Intended number of partcipants and intended audience.
The club must agree to approve the event, and this must be recorded under club minutes (https://foothill.edu/clubs/pdf/Sample-Minutes.pdf) and attached to the online Activity Petition Form as proof.
*Please keep in mind:
- Advisors or approved school faculty must be present at all times during club events and meetings.
- All events must be approved in an ICC meeting at least 2 weeks before the scheduled date (1 month before for any events with over $1000 of spending) — all forms should thus be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the scheduled date.
Submit an Activity Petition and a Fund Request
All events and activities (excluding regular club meetings) require approval from the Student Activities Coordinator Victoria Strelnikova (strelnikovavictoria@fhda.edu) and need to be voted on at an ICC meeting via Activity Petition Form.
- The Activity Petition form is where you declare your event’s name, location, plans, and request equipment, a venue, food, marketing materials, etc., and other sponsorships provided by the college.
All events and activities that will be using club funding require the submission of a Fund Request Form.
- Only clubs that do not plan to spend at an event can submit an Activity Petition without a Fund Request form.
*Please keep in mind:
Clubs are responsible for keeping track of their spending and must plan events around the available annual funding ($500 Special Activities, $1000 Special Projects).
Please reach out to the ICC Finance Director for any funding questions or concerns.
Any and all forms must be approved through email by club advisors before THURSDAY 12pm the week prior to the next ICC meeting in order to be added to the meeting agenda.
Attend our weekly ICC meeting (every Tuesday at 2pm in the Toyon Room, 2020)
Club reps will be expected to give a quick summary of the event in front of the council at the ICC meeting, including:
- Purpose
- Meeting time and location
- Expenditures
- Any other relevant event details
All events (Activity Petitions and Fund Request Forms) must be approved in-meeting by ICC vote.
Complete the Club Event Questionnaire and Club Event Checklist
- ICC Events Coordinator will email the ICC Club Event Support Questionnaire and ICC Club Event Checklist, please complete at least one week prior to your event
- Please check your given email address that was provided to the board for these two documents as they are very important to the success of the event!
Market the Event!
Flyers and other on-campus marketing material are available at a discount for clubs at the Welcome Center — All on-campus marketing materials must be printed and approved here.
Social media marketing is facilitated by the ICC Media Coordinator, who is also responsible for assisting clubs in promoting events online.
For general marketing and on-campus flyering support, please contact the ICC Marketing Director.
Please reach out to the ICC Events Coordinator for any assistance regarding planning, technical questions, set-up, and logistical support.
Advisors or advisor-approved faculty must be present for the entire duration of the event.
Get Reimbursed
All club funds used are reimbursed through a written check from the school.
- All purchases outside of the $200 Annual Grant for General Use must have been approved through Activity Petition and Fund Request in an ICC Meeting in accordance with ASFC and ICC Guidelines.
*Please reach out to the ICC Finance Director for any funding questions or concerns, or refer to our Funding Page for more information.
Five steps for reimbursement:
- Check club finances
- Purchase items
- Meet with your club and vote internally to reimburse purchaser
- Complete Check Request Form.
- Email all required items to Student Accounts Manager (tramblekamara@fhda.edu)
- All invoices/receipts
- Internal club meeting minutes with recorded vote (as per step
- Completed check request form
- Inter-Club-Council meeting minutes documenting event/activity approval (Example of Club Minutes)
Please keep in mind: all reimbursement requests must be submitted before the end of the current year’s Spring Quarter to be recognized.
Guidelines for On-Campus Events
Please review the "How to Host Official Foothill Club Events" presentation.
The ICC Activity Petition functions as both a notice to ICC of your plans, as well as a venue booking request.
If you planned to book a venue outside of your original club room, the Student Activities Coordinator Victoria Strelnikova (strelnikovavictoria@fhda.edu) will help you book the venue after the Activity Petition's approval.
Any contracts must be handled by the club's advisor, the Student Accounts Manager Kamara Tramble (tramblekamara@fhda.edu), and the Student Activities Coordinator Victoria Strelnikova. Students and/or clubs are not allowed to handle/make contracts.
For specific types of events, there are additional guidelines to follow.
Food & Drinks
If your club is hoping to bring food to the event, the club can only bring catering. No potlucks/homemade food that is meant to be shared is allowed.
If your club wants to order food, the recommended choice is Pacific Dining as all they require is your club’s FOAP number, and no reimbursement process is needed. Pacific Dining prepares the food for the Foothill Dining Hall, and all catering services include setup and cleanup.
No alcohol/illicit substances are allowed during any club events. The advisor or an appointed faculty member must be on-site at the event during its duration.
Guest Speakers
For events that involve guest speakers, the club must work with the Student Activities Coordinator Victoria Strelnikova (strelnikovavictoria@fhda.edu) in order to procure a guest speaker contract (an ICA) to compensate them for their time. This needs to be done at least a month in advance before the planned event. If the guest speaker is doing the event for no fee, this is not needed.
Fundraisers have a strict timeline and set of guidelines that must be followed. Failure to follow these guidelines may lead to your club being placed on probation or completely shut down. Because of this, it is required for clubs wishing to create a fundraiser to work intimately with the Vice-President of ICC, Student Activities Coordinator, and the Student Accounts Manager during both the planning and the execution of the fundraiser.
Day / Field Trips
Clubs that wish to hold day trips and field trips must fill out both a Student Field Trip form for the club and individual liability forms for the attendants. Students may arrange their own transportation to the trip site, or may pay to charter additional transportation services.
Extended Trips and Conferences
When planning to go to a conference or an outside event that is longer than a day trip, clubs may request more funding from the ASFC Finance Board and their fund request. More information can be found by meeting with the ASFC Vice President of Finance or the Student Accounts Manager.

Contact Me!
Joshua Chin, VP of ICC
Campus Center, Upper Level, Room 2011
Student Activities Office ContactVictoria StrelnikovaStudent Activities Coordinator and ICC Advisor
Office Hours