Classified Senate
Senate Overview
The Role of Classified Senate
- Represent the concerns and interests of the Foothill College Classified Staff in shared governance.
- Appoint classified staff to participate in college-wide standing and ad hoc committees.
- Collect, evaluate and disseminate information for the classified staff.
- Promote professional development for classified staff.
- Classified Senate Constitution and Bylaws
Classified Senate Meetings
Classified Senate meets twice a month on Zoom. For meeting dates and information, follow the link below.
Classified Governance Participation
Also see a list of classified representation on college governance councils and meeting times.
Classified Senate meets every two weeks via Zoom.
President: Doreen Finkelstein finkelsteindoreen@fhda.edu |
President-Elect: Vanessa Santillan-Nieto santillannietovanessa@fhda.edu |
Past President: Adiel Velasquez velasquezadiel@fhda.edu |
Secretary: Trizha Loren Aquino aquinotrizhaloren@fhda.edu |
Treasurer: Kelaiah Harris harriskelaiah@fhda.edu |
View senators list. |